Engineering Signals and Systems Second Edition Textbook (No Longer Available)
by Dr. Fawwaz T. Ulaby and Dr. Andrew E. Yagle | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
THE PRINT VERSION OF THIS BOOK HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. SEE "DETAILS" TAB BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION. This is a signals and systems textbook with a difference. Engineering applications of signals and systems are integrated into the presentation as equal partners with the concepts and mathematical models instead of just presenting the concepts and models and leaving the student to wonder how it all relates to engineering. This book combines theory and applications in a unique way through the use of hands-on software and hardware allowing students to filter and interact with real-world signals. Signal applications include: implementation of a notch filter to remove an interfering tone from the sound of a trumpet, implementation of a comb filter to eliminate one of two trumpets playing different notes simultaneously, and implementation of a resonator filter to remove most of the noise from a noisy trumpet signal. This book also includes 32 LabVIEW modules that serve as interactive simulations where students can vary parameter values in order to clarify many of the examples and associated problem solving assignments.