This is an online, interactive lab that contains instructions, multimedia, and assessments where students can learn at their own pace. As an instructor, you can create and edit instances of this lab, assign them to students, and view student progress.
This is an online, interactive course that contains instructions, multimedia, and assessments where students can learn at their own pace. As an instructor, you can create and edit instances of this course, assign them to students, and view student progress.
A variety of concepts and skills developed in the digital electronics lab series will be combined to design and build digital dice in a project-based lab. Students will reinforce content that has been taught prior to this lab such as counters and encoders. Students will design the entirety of the circuit using Multisim. However, the option is given to implement the Multisim code to the NI Digital Systems Development Board (DSDB) and create a physical representation of digital dice. The project is guided by the online, interactive platform Thinkscape.
Online, interactive course hosted on the Thinkscape platform
Admistrative and editing access to the online, interactive course hosted on the Thinkscape platform
Introductory physics and circuits
Multisim is a circuit simulation tool built for educators to teach analog, digital, and power electronics by connecting simulation to experimentation.
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The NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) is a versatile laboratory platform that enables educators to teach over 20 different courses across science and engineering departments. The NI ELVIS integrates 12 common lab instruments including an oscilloscope, function...
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Digital System Development Board
The Digital System Development Board (DSDB) is a digital electronics and FPGA trainer board with a Zync 7020 FPGA and 19 different periphrials to program and experiment to get a hands-on understanding of digital electronics. Programmable with Multisim, HDL, or LabVIEW, the DSDB takes students from...
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Note: After installing the Vivado Webpack HL, an additional Digilent driver will need to be installed for NI DSDB. This will be located at C:\NIFPGA\programs\Vivado2014_4\data\xicom\cable_drivers\nt64\digilent.