This is an online, interactive lab that contains instructions, multimedia, and assessments where students can learn at their own pace. As an instructor, you can create and edit instances of this lab, assign them to students, and view student progress.
This is an online, interactive course that contains instructions, multimedia, and assessments where students can learn at their own pace. As an instructor, you can create and edit instances of this course, assign them to students, and view student progress.
This lab introduces students to latches and sequential logic circuits, including basic concepts, variations, and applications. In the activity, students will use Multisim to build and simulate circuits to observe differences between synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, test and compare circuits for D latches, confirm the characteristic table of a gated SR latch, and observe the differences between D and SR latches. The lab is hosted on the online platform, Thinkscape.
Online, interactive course hosted on the Thinkscape platform
Admistrative and editing access to the online, interactive course hosted on the Thinkscape platform
Introductory physics and circuits
Multisim is a circuit simulation tool built for educators to teach analog, digital, and power electronics by connecting simulation to experimentation.
Learn more
Note: After installing the Vivado Webapack HL, an additonal driver will need to be installed. This will be located at C:\NIFPGA\programs\Vivado2014_4\data\xicom\cable_drivers\nt64\digilent