Introductory Mechatronics and Controls Labs for myRIO
by University of Alabama--Birmingham
The experiments in this lab set introduce students to introductory concepts in mechatronics and controls using myRIO and LabVIEW. These materials are designed to be used as a supplement the myRIO Starter Kit. Three laboratory manuals were developed using components from the myRIO Project Guide. The intent was to provide students with hands-on experience in building software (VIs) to control a system (dc motor) using electric tools (sensors).
Together with NI, the University of Alabama - Birmingham (UAB) started developments of a new academic track, "Mechatronic Systems Engineering with Application to Vehicle and Robotics Engineering,” in the Mechanical Engineering Department. As the first step, UAB included LabVIEW and myRIO in the ME360 System Modeling and Controls undergraduate course in Spring 2014.
The objectives of ME 360 include modeling and analysis of multi-domain mechatronic systems and gaining exposure to hardware-implementation issues and key interfaces in the design and function of mechatronic systems. Sample labs from this course are available here for download.